
class Transition(val enter: String? = null, val enterStart: String? = null, val enterEnd: String? = null, val leave: String? = null, val leaveStart: String? = null, val leaveEnd: String? = null)

Definition of a css-transition (enter and/or leave) to be executed when a Tag is mounted to or removed from the DOM.


Link copied to clipboard
constructor(enter: String? = null, enterStart: String? = null, enterEnd: String? = null, leave: String? = null, leaveStart: String? = null, leaveEnd: String? = null)


Link copied to clipboard
object Companion


Link copied to clipboard
val enter: String? = null

Classes to control the enter-transition. Needs to be defined for the enter-transition to be executed.

Link copied to clipboard
val enterEnd: String? = null

Optional classes to define the end point of the enter-transition

Link copied to clipboard
val enterStart: String? = null

Optional classes to define the starting point of the enter-transition

Link copied to clipboard
val leave: String? = null

Classes to control the leave-transition. Needs to be defined for the leave-transition to be executed.

Link copied to clipboard
val leaveEnd: String? = null

Optional classes to define the end point of the leave-transition

Link copied to clipboard
val leaveStart: String? = null

Optional classes to define the starting point of the leave-transition