
abstract class WebComponent<E : Element>(observeAttributes: Boolean = true)

Implement this class to build a WebComponent.


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constructor(observeAttributes: Boolean = true)


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a Flow of all changes made to observed attributes.


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open fun adoptedCallback(element: HTMLElement)

lifecycle-callback that is called, when an instance is adopted by another DOM

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this callback is used, when building the component in native-js (since ES2015-classes are not supported by Kotlin/JS by now)

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fun attributeChanges(name: String): Flow<String>

convenience method to get a Flow of the changes of a specific observed attributes.

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open fun connectedCallback(element: HTMLElement)

lifecycle-callback that is called, when an instance of the component is added to the DOM

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lifecycle-callback that is called, when an instance of the component is removed from the DOM

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abstract fun RenderContext.init(element: HTMLElement, shadowRoot: ShadowRoot): HtmlTag<E>

this method builds the content of the WebComponent that will be added to it's shadow-DOM.

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fun initializeInternal(element: HTMLElement, shadowRoot: ShadowRoot): HtmlTag<E>
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fun linkStylesheet(shadowRoot: ShadowRoot, url: String)

call this method in init to link an external stylesheet.

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fun setStylesheet(shadowRoot: ShadowRoot, text: String)

call this method in add style information from a static String.