
open class RootStore<D>(initialData: D, job: Job, val id: String = : Store<D>

A Store can be initialized with a given value.



first current value of this Store


Job to be used by the Store


id of this Store. Ids of derived Stores will be concatenated.



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constructor(initialData: D, job: Job, id: String =


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object Companion


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open override val current: D

Represents the current data of this Store.

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override val data: Flow<D>

Emits a Flow with the current data of this Store. The Flow internal data is only changed, when the value differs from the last one to avoid calculations and updates that are not necessary.

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open override val id: String
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override val job: Job

Job used as parent job on all coroutines started in Handlers in the scope of this Store

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open override val path: String

Path of this Store derived from the underlying model. Paths of depending Stores are concatenated and separated by a dot.

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open override val update: SimpleHandler<D>

a simple SimpleHandler that just takes the given action-value as the new value for the Store.


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open suspend override fun enqueue(update: Update<D>)

in a RootStore an Update is handled by applying it to the internal StateFlow.

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open fun errorHandler(cause: Throwable)

Default error handler printing the error to console.

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open fun handle(execute: suspend (D) -> D): SimpleHandler<Unit>

Factory method to create a SimpleHandler that does not take an Action

open fun <A> handle(execute: suspend (D, A) -> D): SimpleHandler<A>

Factory method to create a SimpleHandler mapping the actual value of the Store and a given Action to a new value.

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open fun <E> handleAndEmit(execute: suspend FlowCollector<E>.(D) -> D): EmittingHandler<Unit, E>

factory method to create an EmittingHandler that does not take an action in it's execute-lambda.

open fun <A, E> handleAndEmit(execute: suspend FlowCollector<E>.(D, A) -> D): EmittingHandler<A, E>

Factory method to create a EmittingHandler taking an action-value and the current store value to derive the new value. An EmittingHandler is a Flow by itself and can therefore be connected to other SimpleHandlers even in other Stores.

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fun <D> Store<D>.history(capacity: Int = 0, initialEntries: List<D> = emptyList(), job: Job = this.job, synced: Boolean = true): History<D>

factory-method to create a History synced with the given Store, so that each update is automatically stored in history.

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open fun <X> map(lens: Lens<D, X>): Store<X>

Creates a new Store that contains data derived by a given Lens.

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fun <P, T> Store<P?>.map(lens: Lens<P & Any, T>): Store<T>

on a Store of nullable data this creates a Store with a nullable parent and non-nullable value. It can be called using a Lens on a non-nullable parent (that can be created by using the @Lenses-annotation), but you have to ensure, that the resulting Store is never used, when it's parent's value is null. Otherwise, a NullPointerException is thrown.

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fun <D, I> Store<List<D>>.mapByElement(element: D, idProvider: IdProvider<D, I>): Store<D>

Creates a new Store containing the element for the given element and idProvider from the original Store's List.

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fun <D> Store<List<D>>.mapByIndex(index: Int): Store<D>

Creates a new Store containing the element for the given index from the original Store's List

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fun <K, V> Store<Map<K, V>>.mapByKey(key: K): Store<V>

Creates a new Store containing the corresponding value for the given key from the original Store's Map.

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fun <T> Store<T?>.mapNull(default: T): Store<T>

Creates a new Store from a nullable parent store that either contains the original value or a given default value if the original value was null.

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fun <M : ValidationMessage> Store<*>.messages(): Flow<List<M>>?

Finds all exactly corresponding ValidationMessages to this Store, which means all messages, which have exactly the same path as the Store.

fun <M : ValidationMessage> Store<*>.messages(filterPredicate: (M) -> Boolean): Flow<List<M>>?

Finds all corresponding ValidationMessages to this Store which satisfy the filterPredicate-expression.

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Finds all corresponding ValidationMessages to this Store, which means all messages, that fit exactly with their path or which are sub-elements of this Stores data model.

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fun runWithJob(init: WithJob.() -> Unit)

Allows to use the WithJob-Context of this Store and to run handledBy on the Store-Job