
class SelectionMode<T>(val job: Job) : WithJob

This Property alike class exposes the selection configuration of a data collection. There are two modes available:

Of course both can be omitted if no selection is needed.


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constructor(job: Job)


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open override val job: Job
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open fun errorHandler(cause: Throwable)
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open infix fun <A> Flow<A>.handledBy(handler: Handler<A>)
open infix fun <A> Flow<A>.handledBy(execute: suspend (A) -> Unit): Job
open infix fun <E : Event> Flow<E>.handledBy(handler: Handler<Unit>)
open infix fun <E : Event> Flow<E>.handledBy(execute: suspend (E) -> Unit): Job
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fun sanitizeSelection(availableItems: Flow<List<T>>, data: CollectionData<T>)

Calling this function will connect the provided Flow of List of T with the current selection flow (one single item T for mode single and some List of T for mode multi). On every change of the external items flow, the current selection will be sanitized in the following way: If the selection contains some item, that is not part of the items flow, it will be removed from the selection.

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fun selectItem(itemToSelect: Flow<T>, data: CollectionData<T>)

This function connects some Flow of T with a defined selection, either for single or multi mode.

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fun use(other: SelectionMode<T>)