Base class that provides the functionality to create popup components.
Internally the heavy lifting is done by the excellent Floating-UI library.
The Position calculated by the underlying FloatingUI Library. Can be used for custom rendering inside the Popup
Array of middleware objects to modify the positioning or provide data for rendering.
This field allows to set the allowed width range for the Popup element.
Adds a new Middleware to the array of middlewares.
Adds an arrow to the PopupPanel. The exact position will be calculated by the FloatingUI component and can be collected from computedPosition. The arrow points to the reference element.
Factory function to create a CheckboxGroup with a HTMLDivElement as default root Tag.
Factory function to create a CheckboxGroup.
Closes the PopUpPanel when dismissed, i.e. by clicking outside the element or pressing the Escape key.
Factory function to create a Combobox with an HTMLDivElement as default root Tag.
Factory function to create a Combobox.
Factory function to create a DataCollection with a HTMLDivElement as default root Tag.
Factory function to create a DataCollection.
Factory function to create a Disclosure with a HTMLDivElement as default root Tag.
Factory function to create a Disclosure.