
A CheckboxGroup serves as the basis for multiple selection of any element.

Basic Example

CheckboxGroups are created using the generic component factory function fun <T> checkboxGroup(). The type parameter T can be replaced by any type, e.g. a domain class.

An option can be selected or deselected by clicking on that option or by pressing the Space key if the option is focused. Any number of options can be selected. The focus can be switched by using the standard browser mechanisms like Tab or Shift + Tab keys.

It is therefore mandatory to specify a data stream or a store of a List<T> as data binding via the value property. The component supports two-way data binding, i.e. it reflects selected elements from the outside by a Flow<List<T>> but also emits the updated selection to the outside by some Handler.

The available options are not injected directly into the component as parameter, but one at a time by calling the factory checkboxGroupOption and providing the option as first parameter. A typical pattern is therefore the use of a loop in which this factory function is called accordingly.

Beware: Options cannot be removed from the CheckboxGroup. Once an option is added to the group by checkboxGroupOption, it will remain inside forever. So never use some reactive pattern for populating the CheckboxGroup as some Flow<List<T>> combined with some call to renderEach or alike!

If the options change, you must re-render the whole component.

For selecting or deselecting, a Tag must be created using checkboxGroupOptionToggle.

// some domain type for this example, a collection to choose from, and an external store
data class Newsletter(val id: Int, val title: String, val description: String, val users: Int)
val mailingList = listOf<Newsletter>(/* ... */)
val subscriptions = storeOf(emptyList<Newsletter>(), job = Job())

checkboxGroup<HTMLFieldSetElement, Newsletter>(tag = RenderContext::fieldset) {
// set up (two-way) data binding

// using a loop is a typical pattern to create the options
mailingList.forEach { option ->
checkboxGroupOption(option) { // needs to be created for each selectable option!
checkboxGroupOptionToggle(tag = RenderContext::label) {

Styling the selected Option

Since a headless component does not provide any styling, the component supports the user to react to the current selection.

Within the scope of the checkboxGroupOption factory, the component provides the boolean stream selected. This can be used to query whether this option is currently selected or not.

A common pattern is to dynamically add or remove CSS classes. Of course also whole elements can be added or removed from the DOM depending on the state selected.

checkboxGroup<HTMLFieldSetElement, Newsletter>(tag = RenderContext::fieldset) {
mailingList.forEach { option ->
checkboxGroupOption(option) {
checkboxGroupOptionToggle(tag = RenderContext::label) {
// use `selected`-Flow with `className` to react to state changes
className( {
if (it) "ring-2 ring-indigo-500 border-transparent"
else "border-gray-300"
// render some Icon to support the visual "selected" impression only if option is selected
selected.render {
if (it) {
svg("h-5 w-5 text-indigo-600") {

Add Label and Description

The CheckboxGroup can be labeled using checkboxGroupLabel, the individual options can be enriched per checkboxGroupOptionLabel and checkboxGroupOptionDescription with a label and some descriptions.

checkboxGroup<HTMLFieldSetElement, Newsletter>(tag = RenderContext::fieldset) {

// describe the whole checkbox-group itself
checkboxGroupLabel(tag = RenderContext::legend) { +"Select some mailing lists" }

mailingList.forEach { option ->
checkboxGroupOption(option) {
checkboxGroupOptionToggle(tag = RenderContext::label) {
div("flex-1 flex") {
div("flex flex-col") {
// enrich the single options with label and description(s)
checkboxGroupOptionLabel("block text-sm font-medium text-gray-900") {
checkboxGroupOptionDescription("flex items-center text-sm text-gray-500") {
checkboxGroupOptionDescription("mt-2 text-sm font-medium text-gray-900") {
+"${option.users} users"


Data binding allows the CheckboxGroup component to grab the validation messages and provide its own building block checkboxGroupValidationMessages that is only rendered when there are some messages. These messages are exposed within its scope as a data stream msgs.

checkboxGroup<HTMLFieldSetElement, Newsletter>(tag = RenderContext::fieldset) {
mailingList.forEach { option ->
checkboxGroupOption(option) {
checkboxGroupOptionToggle(tag = RenderContext::label) {

checkboxGroupValidationMessages(tag = RenderContext::ul) {
msgs.renderEach { li { +it.message } }

Mouse Interaction

Clicking on an element created with checkboxGroupOptionToggle selects or deselects the corresponding option.

Keyboard Interaction

Command Description
Space when an option-toggle is focused Selects or deselects the corresponding option.
Tab / Shift + Tab Moves the focus to the next / previous element (if no other focusable element is added in between or other manual changes to the focus management of the browser is applied!)


Summary / Sketch

checkboxGroup<T>() {
val value: DatabindingPropert<List<T>>

checkboxGroupLabel() { }
checkboxGroupValidationMessages() {
val msgs: Flow<List<ComponentValidationMessage>>
// for each T {
checkboxGroupOption(option: T) {
val selected: Flow<Boolean>

checkboxGroupOptionToggle() { }
checkboxGroupOptionLabel() { }
checkboxGroupOptionDescription() { } // use multiple times
// }


Parameters: classes, id, scope, tag, initialize

Default-Tag: div

Scope property Typ Description
value DatabindingProperty<List<T>> Mandatory (two-way) data binding for any number of selected options.


Available in the scope of: checkboxGroup

Parameters: classes, scope, tag, initialize

Default-Tag: label


Available in the scope of: checkboxGroup

Parameters: classes, scope, tag, initialize

Default-Tag: div

Scope property Typ Description
msgs Flow<List<ComponentValidationMessage>> provides a data stream with a list of ComponentValidationMessages


Available in the scope of: checkboxGroup


  • option: T: Mandatory instance of an option that this block should handle.
  • classes, scope, tag, initialize

Default-Tag: div

Scope property Typ Description
selected Flow<Boolean> This data stream provides the selection state of its managed option: true the option is part of the selection, false elsewhere.


Available in the scope of: checkboxGroupOption

Parameters: classes, scope, tag, initialize

Default-Tag: div


Available in the scope of: checkboxGroupOption

Parameters: classes, scope, tag, initialize

Default-Tag: label


Available in the scope of: checkboxGroupOption

Parameters: classes, scope, tag, initialize

Default-Tag: span

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