
A headless component to render collections of data, i.e. a data table, complex lists that support sorting, filtering, selection of items and keyboard navigation.

Basic Example

A data collection is created by the factory function fun <T> dataCollection(). T is the data type of the items of the collection, such as a domain data type like persons.

It is mandatory to specify a data stream of type List<T> as data source using the data property. Additionally, you can provide an IdProvider to tell DataCollection how to get a unique id for each item in the list.

Since we want to build a simple data table in our example, we next create the table and it's header.

Next we use dataCollectionItems to create the tbody. dataCollectionItems offers items in its context. This is a Flow<List<T>> that respects the current sorting and filtering set for your collection. So we use this to iterate over and render the rows of the table. If you told the DataCollection to use an IdProvider above, it is a good idea to use the same IdProvider here in renderEach.

val persons = storeOf(listOf(Person( /*... */ )), job = Job())

dataCollection<Person> {
data(, Person::id)

table {
thead {
tr {
td{ +"Name" }
td{ +"EMail" }
td{ +"Birthdate" }
dataCollectionItems( tag = RenderContext::tbody) {
items.renderEach(Person::id, into = this) { item ->
dataCollectionItem(item, tag = RenderContext::tr) {
td { +item.fullName }
td { }
td { +item.birthday }


In order to sort the items of your data collection dataCollection offers a Handler called sortBy. You can use this to provide a SortOrder<T> that will be used to sort your collection. A SortOrder consists of a Sorting defining one Comparator<T> each for ascending and descending sorting as well as the current SortDirection (NONE , ASC oder DESC). Since it is a Handler you bind it to some Flow offering the current SortOrder (from a Menu for example) or call it directly.

Since it is a common use case to switch between the different SortingDirections, dataCollection offers another Handler called toggleSorting. For a given Sorting this one switches from direction NONE to ASC and on the DESC every time a new value appears on the Flow.

To make it even more convenient the data collection also offers a specialized brick dataCollectionSortButton to build an element to toggle and display your current sorting:

thead {
tr {
div {
p { + "Name" }
dataCollectionSortButton(compareBy(Person::fullName), compareByDescending(Person::fullName)) {
direction.render {
when (it) {
SortDirection.NONE -> /* show Icon */
SortDirection.ASC -> /* show Icon */
SortDirection.DESC -> /* show Icon */


A data collection supports filtering the items by offering a Handler<(List<T) -> List<T>> called filterBy. Whenever this Handler is provided with a new filter function, it is applied to the collections' data. So you can easily provide buttons for predefined filtering for example:

val filterForLongNames = button { +"just long names" } {
{ list: List<Person> -> list.filter { it.fullName.length > 20 } }

val filterForOldPeople = button { +"just old people" } {
{ list: List<Person> -> list.filter { it.birthday.startsWith("19") } }

dataCollection<Person> {
// ...

dataCollectionItems {
merge(filterForLongNames, filterForOldPeople) handledBy filterBy

A common use-case is filtering your items for a certain text. The data collection provides a specialized Handler<String> called filterByText() for this purpose. By default, the toString-method of your items is used to produce a String that is checked to contain (case-insensitive) the filter-text provided to the Handeler. You can provide a lambda to create a different String representation for an item to be searched:

    val filterStore = storeOf("", job = Job())
inputField {
inputTextfield { placeholder("filter...") }

dataCollection<Person> {
// ... handledBy filterByText { "${it.fullName} ${}"}
// ...

Hint: Be sure to add some separator character between a composed filter string like above. Without the space between the name and the email address, it would be possible to match overlapping patterns. Take the name kotlin and a mail address The pattern linux would match without the space:, which is not what is expected!

Active Item

You can navigate your data-collection by mouse or keyboard (when it is focused). Whenever you move your pointer over an item or navigate to a certain item by keyboard, this item is activated. The active state is available as a Flow<Boolean> in the scope of dataCollectionItem to be used for styling, etc.:

dataCollectionItem(item, tag = RenderContext::tr) {
className( {
if (it) "bg-indigo-50" else "odd:bg-white even:bg-gray-50"

// ...

If your data collection is (or is embedded in) a scrollable container, you might want to scroll to the active item when it is not visible when it gets activated. You can enable this by calling scrollIntoView():

dataCollectionItems {
// ...
scrollIntoView(vertical =
// ...

You can fine tune scroll behavior (auto or smooth), mode (only-if-needed, always) and the desired horizontal and vertical position of the active item (start, center, end or nearest).


DataCollection supports selecting single or multiple items. To enable selection for your data collection you have to provide a suitable two-way data binding:

dataCollection<Person> {
data(, Person::id)

// for single-selection
selection.single(selectionStore) // or provide id, data-flow, update-handler, etc. separately

// for multi-selection

Styling selected Items

The selected state of an item is available as a Flow<Boolean> in the scope of dataCollectionItem to be used for styling, etc.:

dataCollectionItem(item, tag = RenderContext::tr) {
className(selected.combine(active) { sel, act ->
if (sel) {
if (act) "bg-indigo-200" else "bg-indigo-100"
} else {
if (act) "bg-indigo-50" else "odd:bg-white even:bg-gray-50"

// ...

Mouse Interaction

Hovering with the mouse over an dataCollectionItem will make it active. The state can be accessed by the corresponding active property of the dataCollectionItem that offers a Flow<Boolean> to react to.

A click on a dataCollectionItem will toggle the selection state, if any selection is configured by the selection property of the dataCollection.

Keyboard Interaction

Command Description
Enter Space when dataCollectionItem is active and selection is set Toggles the selection state of an item
when some item is active Activates previous / next item
Home End when some item is active Activates first / last item

If scrollIntoView on dataCollectionItems is configured, the navigating keyboard actions will also scroll the content.


Summary / Sketch

dataCollection<T>() {
val data: CollectionDataProperty<T>
val sortBy: SimpleHandler<SortingOrder<T>?>
val toggleSorting: SimpleHandler<Sorting<T>>
val filterBy: SimpleHandler<((List<T>) -> List<T>)?>
val selection: SelectionMode<T>

fun filterByText(toString: (T) -> String) : SimpleHandler<String>

// use multiple times
dataCollectionSortButton(sort: Sorting<T>) {
val direction: Flow<SortDirection>

dataCollectionItems() {
val scrollIntoView: ScrollIntoViewProperty
val items: Flow<List<T>>

// items.renderEach T {
dataCollectionItem(item: T) {
val selected: Flow<Boolean>
val active: Flow<Boolean>
// }


Parameters: classes, id, scope, tag, initialize

Default-Tag: div

Scope property Typ Description
data CollectionDataProperty<T> Mandatory one-way data binding for the items the collection should manage.
sortBy SimpleHandler<SortingOrder<T>?> Optional Handler that can implement any sorting logic based upon a SortingOrder<T> instance.
toggleSorting SimpleHandler<Sorting<T>> Optional Handler that implements a toggling sort logic, that is switching between the three directions NONE, ASC and DESC
filterBy SimpleHandler<((List<T>) -> List<T>)?> Optional Handler that can implement any logic to reduce the current List<T> items to the filtered List<T>.
selection SelectionMode<T> Basically an optional intermediate property to offer DataBinding properties for either single or mulit selection modes.


  • filterByText(toString: (T) -> String) : SimpleHandler<String>: Factory to create a Handler to do a filtering based upon one item T.


Available in the scope of: dataCollection


  • sort: Sorting<T>: Mandatory instance of the sorting configuration.
  • (overloaded variant) comparatorAscending: Comparator<T>, comparatorDescending: Comparator<T>: Just provide the Comparators so the sorting instance gets automatically derived from this.
  • classes, scope, tag, initialize

Default-Tag: button

Scope property Typ Description
direction Flow<SortDirection> This property offers the current sorting direction.


Available in the scope of: dataCollection

Parameters: classes, scope, tag, initialize

Default-Tag: div

Scope property Typ Description
scrollIntoView ScrollIntoViewProperty Optional property to configure the scrolling behaviour. If omitted there will be no automatic scrolling!
items Flow<List<T>> Flow of the currently visible items (think of this as the result of filtering and sorting applied on the original data)


Available in the scope of: dataCollectionItems


  • item: T: Mandatory instance of one T that represents the actual item
  • classes, scope, tag, initialize

Default-Tag: div

Scope property Typ Description
selected Flow<Boolean> This data stream provides the selection status of the managed item: true the item is selected, false if not.
active Flow<Boolean> This data stream indicates whether an option has focus: true the item has focus, false if not. Only one item can have focus at a time.
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