
A TabGroup allows content to be switched across a horizontal or vertical list of tabs.

Basic Example

TabGroups are created using the tabGroup factory function. It is divided into two areas: In the tabList shows the available tabs, tabPanel the content of the currently active tab.

By clicking on a tab or by selecting via the keyboard, the current tab can be selected and the content of the panel will be switched accordingly.

The TabGroup is completely agnostic about a tab's type as well as its content. That's why no information about the available tabs are needed. The tabs themselves are internally managed via the index when they get added to the tabList . Structure and content of tabs and panels can be designed completely freely.

Beware: Tabs cannot be removed from the TabGroup. Once a tab is added to the group by tab, it will remain inside forever. So never use some reactive pattern for populating the TabGroup as some Flow<List<T>> combined with some call to renderEach or alike!

If the tabs change, you must re-render the whole component.

A data binding is purely optional and does not have to be specified.

// Some domain type and a collection of data to be displayed inside a tab-group 
data class Posting(val id: Int, val title: String, val date: String, val commentCount: Int, val shareCount: Int)

val categories = mapOf(
"Recent" to listOf(
Posting(1, "Does drinking coffee make you smarter?", "5h ago", 5, 2),
Posting(2, "So you've bought coffee... now what?", "2h ago", 3, 2)
), // ...

tabGroup {
tabList {
// typical pattern to use a loop to create the tabList
categories.keys.forEach { category ->
tab { +category }
tabPanels {
// for each tab there must be a corresponding panel
categories.values.forEach { postings ->
panel {
ul {
postings.forEach { posting ->
li { +posting.title }

Styling the selected Tab

In order to distinguish the active tab from the rest in terms of style, within the scope of tab the boolean data stream selected is available.

This can be used in combination with className to apply different styles to a tab or even show and hide entire elements (e.g. an icon for the selected tab).

tabGroup {
tabList {
categories.keys.forEach { category ->
tab {
// use `selected` flow in order to apply separate styling to the tabs
className( { sel ->
if (sel == index) "bg-white shadow"
else "text-blue-100 hover:bg-white/[0.12] hover:text-white"

tabPanels {
// omitted

Styling the active Element

A TabGroup also provides information about which tab is currently active, i.e. has the focus.

For this purpose, the scope of tab offers the Boolean data stream active. This one can (and should) be used to provide a specific style for the true state.

Since often both the status of the selection and the focus stylistically affect the same elements, it is a typical pattern to combine both data streams. Use the combine method on Flows for this purpose:

tabGroup {
tabList {
categories.keys.forEach { category ->
tab {
// combine `selected` and `active`-Flow with `className` to react to state changes
className(selected.combine(active) { sel, act ->
// use `classes` to attach both styling results
if (sel == index) "bg-primary-800 text-white shadow-md"
else "text-primary-100 hover:bg-primary-900/[0.12]",
if (act) "ring-2 ring-white border-transparent"
else "border-gray-300"

tabPanels {
// omitted

Set and Query the active Tab from outside

As already described at the beginning, the tabs are only managed via their index (0 based!).

For this reason, an Int based data binding value in the scope of the tabGroup factory function can optionally be specified. This can be used to determine the initially active tab as well as to query the currently selected tab by some provided handler.

If the data binding is not specified, the first active tab is always selected initially.

val currentIndex = storeOf(1, job = Job()) // preselect *second* tab (0-based as all collections in Kotlin) handledBy {
console.log("Current Index is: $it")

tabGroup {

// apply two-way data binding via index based store

tabList {
categories.keys.forEach { category ->
tab { +category }
tabPanels {
// omitted

Deactivate Tabs

Tabs can be activated and deactivated dynamically. Disabled tabs can neither be activated by using mouse or keyboard, nor are they selected as the initial tab.

By default, each tab is always active at first.

To activate or deactivate a tab, the Boolean handler disable is available in the scope of tab.

The current status can be queried via the boolean data stream disabled. The latter is primary relevant for styling reasons, because a deactivated tab should visually stand out from active ones.

tabGroup {
tabList {
categories.keys.forEach { category ->
tab {
// reduce opacity for disabled tabs
className( { sel ->
if (sel == index) "opacity-50" else ""


// simply disable tab "Trending" forever
if(category == "trending") disable(true)

// toggle disable state of tab "Popular" every 5 seconds
if(category == "Popular") {
generateSequence { listOf(true, false) }.flatten().asFlow()
.onEach { delay(5000) } handledBy disable
tabPanels {
// omitted

Vertical TabGroup

A TabGroup can be displayed both horizontally (default) and vertically. This distinction in itself is only dependent on the optical design, but changes the operation via keyboard and must therefore be made known explicitly to the component.

With a horizontal TabGroup you can use the arrow keys and to switch between the tabs, use and for vertical TabGroups.

For this purpose there is the property orientation, which can accept the two enum values Horizontal or Vertical.

tabGroup {

// will be evaluated only once at the initial rendering, so it is not reactive!
orientation = Orientation.Vertical

tabList {
// omitted
tabPanels {
// omitted

Mouse Interaction

Clicking on an element created with tab activates the tab and renders the associated panel as content, unless the tab is disabled.

Keyboard Interaction

Command Description
Cyclically selects the previous / next active tab.
when orientation is Vertical Cyclically selects the previous / next active tab.
Home PageUp Selects the first active Tab.
End PageDown Selects the last active Tab.


Summary / Sketch

tabGroup() {
val value: DatabindingProperty<Int> // optional
val selected: Flow<Int>
var orientation: Orientation

tabList() {
// for each tab {
tab() {
val index: Int
val disabled: Flow<Int>
val disable: SimpleHandler<Int>
val active: Flow<Boolean>
// }

tabPanels() {
// for each tab {
panel() { }
// }


Parameters: classes, id, scope, tag, initialize

Default-Tag: div

Scope property Typ Description
value DatabindingProperty<Int> Optionally (two-way) data binding for setting or querying the current active tab's index
selected Flow<Int> Data stream of the current tab index.
orientation Orientation Field for setting the orientation. Default is Horizontal


Available in the scope of: tabGroup

Parameters: classes, scope, tag, initialize

Default-Tag: div


Available in the scope of: tabList

Parameters: classes, scope, tag, initialize

Default-Tag: div

Scope property Typ Description
index Int The index of the tab in the group.
disabled Flow<Boolean> Stream of data indicating whether a tab is active or inactive.
disable SimpleHandler<Boolean> Handler for setting the inactive state.
active Flow<Boolean> Boolean flow that is true if tab has the focus, else false


Available in the scope of: tabGroup

Parameters: classes, scope, tag, initialize

Default-Tag: div


Available in the scope of: tabPanels

Parameters: classes, scope, tag, initialize

Default-Tag: div

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