
A RadioGroup serves as a basis for the single selection of any element.

Basic Example

RadioGroups are created using the generic component factory function fun <T> radioGroup(). The type parameter T can be replaced by any type, e.g. a domain class.

By clicking on an option or by using the and keys if the RadioGroup is focused, an option can be selected. Only one option can be selected at a time; the previously selected option is automatically deselected accordingly.

It is therefore mandatory to specify a data stream or a store of a List<T> as data binding via the value property. The component supports two-way data binding, i.e. it reflects selected element from the outside by a Flow<T> but also emits the updated selection to the outside by some Handler.

The available options are not injected directly into the component as parameter, but one at a time by calling the factory radioGroupOption and providing the option as first parameter. A typical pattern is therefore the use of a loop in which this factory function is called accordingly.

Beware: Options cannot be removed from the RadioGroup. Once an option is added to the group by radioGroupOption, it will remain inside forever. So never use some reactive pattern for populating the RadioGroup as some Flow<List<T>> combined with some call to renderEach or alike!

If the options change, you must re-render the whole component.

For selecting, a Tag must be created using radioGroupOptionToggle.

// some domain type for this example, a collection to choose from, and an external store
data class Plan(val name: String, val ram: String, val cpus: String, val disk: String, val price: String)
val plans = listOf<Plan>(/* ... */)
val choice = storeOf<Plan?>(null, job = Job())

radioGroup<HTMLFieldSetElement, Plan?>(tag = RenderContext::fieldset) {
// set up (two-way) data binding

// using a loop is a typical pattern to create the options
plans.forEach { option ->
radioGroupOption(option) { // needs to be created for each selectable option!
radioGroupOptionToggle {

Styling the selected Element

Since a headless component does not provide any styling, the component supports the user to react to the current selection.

Within the scope of the radioGroupOption factory, the component provides the boolean stream selected. This can be used to query whether this option is currently selected or not.

A common pattern is to dynamically add or remove CSS classes. Of course also whole elements can be added or removed from the DOM depending on the state selected.

radioGroup<HTMLFieldSetElement, Plan?>(tag = RenderContext::fieldset) {
plans.forEach { option ->
radioGroupOption(option) {
radioGroupOptionToggle {
// use `selected`-Flow with `className` to react to state changes
className( {
if (it) "bg-indigo-200" else "bg-white"

Styling the active Element

A RadioGroup also provides information about which option is currently active, i.e. has the focus. If no option is selected yet, the first option can get the focus. If an option is selected, the corresponding radioGroupOptionToggle will be active.

For this purpose, the scope of radioGroupOption offers the Boolean data stream active. This one can (and should) be used to provide a specific style for the true state.

Since often both the status of the selection and the focus stylistically affect the same elements, it is a typical pattern to combine both data streams. Use the combine method on Flows for this purpose:

radioGroup<HTMLFieldSetElement, Plan?>(tag = RenderContext::fieldset) {
plans.forEach { option ->
radioGroupOption(option) {
radioGroupOptionToggle {
// combine `selected` and `active`-Flow with `className` to react to state changes
className(selected.combine(active) { sel, act ->
// use `classes` to attach both styling results
if (sel) "bg-indigo-200" else "bg-white",
if (act) "ring-2 ring-indigo-500 border-transparent" else "border-gray-300"

Add Label and Description

The RadioGroup can be labeled using radioGroupLabel, the individual options can be enriched per radioGroupOptionLabel and radioGroupOptionDescription with a label and some descriptions.

radioGroup<HTMLFieldSetElement, Plan?>(tag = RenderContext::fieldset) {

// describe the whole radio-group itself
radioGroupLabel("sr-only") { +"Server size" }

plans.forEach { option ->
radioGroupOption(option) {
radioGroupOptionToggle {
// enrich the single options with label and (multiple) description(s)
div("flex items-center") {
div("text-sm") {
radioGroupOptionLabel("font-medium text-gray-900", tag = RenderContext::p) {
radioGroupOptionDescription("text-gray-500", tag = RenderContext::div) {
p("sm:inline") { +option.cpus }
span("hidden sm:inline sm:mx-1") {
attr(Aria.hidden, "true")
p("sm:inline") { +option.ram }
"mt-2 flex text-sm sm:mt-0 sm:block sm:ml-4 sm:text-right",
tag = RenderContext::div
) {
div("font-medium text-gray-900") { +option.price }
div("ml-1 text-gray-500 sm:ml-0") { +"""/mo""" }


Data binding allows the RadioGroup component to grab the validation messages and provide its own building block radioGroupValidationMessages that is only rendered when there are some messages. These messages are exposed within its scope as a data stream msgs.

radioGroup<HTMLFieldSetElement, Plan?>(tag = RenderContext::fieldset) {
plans.forEach { option ->
radioGroupOption(option) {
radioGroupOptionToggle {

checkboxGroupValidationMessages(tag = RenderContext::ul) {
msgs.renderEach { li { +it.message } }

Mouse Interaction

Clicking on an element created with radioGroupOptionToggle selects the underlying option and deselects the previously selected option.

Keyboard Interaction

Command Description
when an option-toggle is focused (Reverse) Cyclic selection through all options.
Space when focused and no option is selected yet Selects first option.


Summary / Sketch

radioGroup<T>() {
val value: DatabindingPropert<T>

radioGroupLabel() { }
radioGroupValidationMessages() {
val msgs: Flow<List<ComponentValidationMessage>>
// for each T {
radioGroupOption(option: T) {
val selected: Flow<Boolean>
val active: Flow<Boolean>

radioGroupOptionToggle() { }
radioGroupOptionLabel() { }
radioGroupOptionDescription() { } // use multiple times
// }


Parameters: classes, id, scope, tag, initialize

Default-Tag: div

Scope property Typ Description
value DatabindingProperty<T> Mandatory (two-way) data binding for the selection


Available in the scope of: radioGroup

Parameters: classes, scope, tag, initialize

Default-Tag: label


Available in the scope of: radioGroup

Parameters: classes, scope, tag, initialize

Default-Tag: div

Scope property Typ Description
msgs Flow<List<ComponentValidationMessage>> provides a data stream with a list of ComponentValidationMessages


Available in the scope of: radioGroup


  • option: T: Mandatory option object that is to be managed by this option block.
  • classes, scope, tag, initialize

Default-Tag: div

Scope property Typ Description
selected Flow<Boolean> This data stream provides the selection status of the managed option: true the option is selected, false if not.
active Flow<Boolean> This data stream indicates whether an option has focus: true the option has focus, false if not. Only one option can have focus at a time.


Available in the scope of: radioGroupOption

Parameters: classes, scope, tag, initialize

Default-Tag: div


Available in the scope of: radioGroupOption

Parameters: classes, scope, tag, initialize

Default-Tag: label


Available in the scope of: radioGroupOption

Parameters: classes, scope, tag, initialize

Default-Tag: span

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