
An InputField offers a single line of text input.

Basic Example

An InputField is created with the inputField component factory function. Within its scope a string based data binding named value has to be initialized.

Furthermore, the actual input element must be created using inputTextfield.

val name = storeOf("", job = Job())

inputField {
inputTextfield {
// set common ``<input>`` tag attributes
placeholder("The name is...")

Add Label and Description

Within the scope there are the two block functions inputLabel and inputDescription, that can be used to enhance the input field with additional label or descriptions.

If the HTML label tag is used for the label (by default), a mouse click on the label causes the input field to be focused.

val name = storeOf("", job = Job())

inputField {
inputLabel {
+"Enter the framework's name"
inputTextfield {
placeholder("The name is...")
inputDescription {
+"The name should reflect the concept of the whole framework."


Data binding allows the InputField component to grab the validation messages and provide its own building block inputValidationMessages that is only rendered when there are some messages. These messages are exposed within its scope as a data stream msgs.

inputField {
inputTextfield { }

inputValidationMessages(tag = RenderContext::ul) {
msgs.renderEach { li { +it.message } }

Mouse Interaction

Clicking outside the input field (so the focus gets lost) will update the value to the content of the field.

If the HTML label tag is used for the label (by default), a mouse click on the label causes the input field to be focused.

Keyboard Interaction

Command Description
Any key that will trigger a change event like Tab or Enter updates the value

For more details which key will trigger a change, refer to this documentation


Summary / Sketch

inputField() {
val value: DatabindingProperty<String>

inputTextfield() { }
inputLabel() { }
inputDescription() { } // use multiple times
inputValidationMessages() { msgs: Flow<List<ComponentValidationMessage>>


Parameters: classes, id, scope, tag, initialize

Default-Tag: div

Scope property Typ Description
value DatabindingProperty<String> Mandatory (two-way) data binding for the input value.


Available in the scope of: inputField

Parameters: classes, scope, tag, initialize

Tag: input (not customizable!)


Available in the scope of: inputField

Parameters: classes, scope, tag, initialize

Default-Tag: label


Available in the scope of: inputField

Parameters: classes, scope, tag, initialize

Default-Tag: p


Available in the scope of: inputField

Parameters: classes, scope, tag, initialize

Default-Tag: div

Scope property Typ Description
msgs Flow<List<ComponentValidationMessage>> provides a data stream with a list of ComponentValidationMessages
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